Monday May 6th– 5rds- 20/16 cal row, 6 front squats 55-60%, 50 double unders, 3 front  squats 55-60% Rest 2 min

Freestyle- 5rds- 12/9 cal row, 12 plate squats, 40 jump rope, 6 plate squats

Tuesday- 21-15-9- bike cals, ttb, burpee to target, Rest 3, 15-10-5 same movements

Freestyle- 15-12-7 bike cals, hanging knee raises, burpees just, rest 3, 10-8-4

Weds – 20min- 15 box jump overs, 5 hang Db Snatch right arm 70/50,  Single arm Farmers d&b right arm,  5 hang Db Snatch left arm 70/50, Single arm Farmers  d&B left arm

Freestyle- 10 box step ups, 5 hang db snatch, farmers, 5 hang snatch, farmers

Thursday- 3rds- 400m run, 6 strict pullups 12 handstand pushups 18 air  squats 53/35 24 medball situps

Freestyle- 5 rds- 1 min cardio, 6 ring rows, 12 pushups/6 letdowns, 12 squats, 18 situps

Friday- Heavy DT-ish- 5 Rounds 185/125lbs-9 deadlifts-6 hang power clean-3 shoulder to overhead

Freestyle- 8 rds- 9 dimmels, 6 hpc, 3 sto