July 22, Monday- Sport- 20m progressive- 5 kb swings 70/53 russian, 5 pullups, 5 prison situps 6/6/6, 7/7/7, etc

Freestyle- 7/7/7, no rise

Tuesday- Rob’s a Zombie- squat cleans- 5rds- 5 squat cleans 225/155, Stop sign and back run

Freestyle- hang power, front squats, and cone and back

Weds- 10m- 30 jump rope, 10 toes to bar, rest 3, 10m- 10 pushups, 2 shuttle runs

Freestyle- 20 jump rope, 5 hanging knee raises, 6 pushups/3 letdowns, 1 shuttle run

Thursdays-  7 thru 1- snatch grip deads, 135/95, hang power snatch, bar mu, burpees over bar

Freestyle- 6 thru 1- light deads, hpc, press, pullups, burpees

Friday- Karen, just.  And so, so many abs.

Freestyle- 10 min EMOM- 10 wallballs